CPC – Back-to-Back adapter

Connect tubing with coupling plugs at both ends.

RX Code: FQN / FQP

The Back-to-Back adapter features coupling bodies on both ends, providing flexibility to connect single-use systems with coupling plugs on their tubing ends. It allows the combination of both MPC and MPX couplings for versatile connections.


  • Compatible with MPC and PMX
  • Tubing reduction option
  • Ergonomic thumb latch
  • BSE/TSE free materials


  • Pressure: 4.1 bar
  • Main components: Polycarbonate (purple tint)
  • Polysulfone (amber tint)
  • Thumb Latches: Polycarbonate / PVDF
  • O-rings: Silicone platinum-cured
  • Temperature: Polycarbonate -40°C to 121°C
    Polysulfone -40°C to 149°C
Brand: CPC

All Variations

RX CodeGenderConnectionMaterialPackagingOEMQuantityAdd to Quote
RX Code: FQN----BBC----Female x FemaleMPC Body x MPC BodyPolycarbonate25 Pieces/BagMPC17C1703
RX Code: FQN----BBO----Female x FemaleMPC Body x MPC BodyPolysulfone25 Pieces/BagMPC17C1739
RX Code: FQN----BXC----Female x FemaleMPC Body x MPX BodyPolycarbonate25 Pieces/BagMPC17X1703
RX Code: FQN----BXO----Female x FemaleMPC Body x MPX BodyPolysulfone25 Pieces/BagMPC17X1739
RX Code: FQN----IIO----Male x MaleMPC Insert x MPC InsertPolysulfone25 Pieces/BagMPC22C2239M
RX Code: FQN----IXO----Male x MaleMPC Insert x MPX InsertPolysulfone25 Pieces/BagMPC22X2239M
RX Code: FQP----BBC----Female x FemaleMPX Body x MPX BodyPolycarbonate25 Pieces/BagMPX17X1703
RX Code: FQP----BBO----Female x FemaleMPX Body x MPX BodyPolycarbonate25 Pieces/BagMPX17X1739

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