CPC – AseptiQuik® X

Gendered connection for high-flow application

RX Code: FQE

The AseptiQuik X is designed for high-flow applications, allowing large volumes of media transfer. Its simple three-step connection process from CPC (Colder Products Company) minimizes operator risk and simplifies media transfer. To assemble, connect the male and female couplings, remove the membrane, and rotate the ring for a secure connection. Watch the video to see how easy it is to transfer large volumes of sterile liquids with AseptiQuik X.


  • Integrated lock ring
  • Click-pull-twist design
  • Membrane pull tabs
  • Robust construction


  • Pressure: 4.1 bar
  • Temperature: 4°C to 40°C
  • Main components: Polycarbonate
  • Caps: Polypropylene
  • Seals: Silicone platinum-cured
  • Membrane: Polyethylene (standard version)
    Hydrophobic polyethersulfone (HT version)
Brand: CPC

All Variations

RX CodeSizeGenderConnectionSterilizationPackagingOEMQuantityAdd to Quote
RX Code: FQEBM-SB-C----3/4Body - FemaleHosebarbGamma1 Piece/BagAQX17012
RX Code: FQEBM-SB-Q----3/4Body - FemaleHosebarbGamma, Autoclave1 Piece/BagAQX17012HT
RX Code: FQEBM-SI-C----3/4Insert - MaleHosebarbGamma1 Piece/BagAQX22012
RX Code: FQEBM-SI-Q----3/4Insert - MaleHosebarbGamma, Autoclave1 Piece/BagAQX22012HT
RX Code: FQEBV-SB-C----1Body - FemaleHosebarbGamma1 Piece/BagAQX17016
RX Code: FQEBV-SB-Q----1Body - FemaleHosebarbGamma, Autoclave1 Piece/BagAQX17016HT
RX Code: FQEBV-SI-C----1Insert - MaleHosebarbGamma1 Piece/BagAQX22016
RX Code: FQEBV-SI-Q----1Insert - MaleHosebarbGamma, Autoclave1 Piece/BagAQX22016HT
RX Code: FQECO-CB-C----1.1/2Body - FemaleTri-ClampGamma1 Piece/BagAQX33024
RX Code: FQECO-CB-Q----1.1/2Body - FemaleTri-ClampGamma, Autoclave1 Piece/BagAQX33024HT
RX Code: FQECO-CI-C----1.1/2Insert - MaleTri-ClampGamma1 Piece/BagAQX44024
RX Code: FQECO-CI-Q----1.1/2Insert - MaleTri-ClampGamma, Autoclave1 Piece/BagAQX44024HT

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