ACL Anti-galling Clamps N60

For reliable open and closing of the clamp in time

RX Code: QHE

One of the problems in the industry is the galling of hygienic clamps, which causes stainless steel connections to seize. Our Safety Hex Nut Clamp, available in sizes [insert available sizes], solves this issue. Based on the SH safety clamp design, it features a hex nut made from Nitronic 60 (Alloy 218, UNS S21800), known for excellent galling resistance. This anti-galling treatment ensures that even after extended use, the clamp can be easily disassembled. Perfect for cleanroom environments, it minimizes particulate generation and maintains cleaner product integrity.


  • Perfect for cleanrooms
  • Safety Gate, Eye-Bolt & Shroud
  • Safety hex nut resistant to galling


  • Clamp segments: 1.4401 (316)
  • Available in TC size 25 to 91
  • Hexagon safety nut / Hex nuts: N60
  • Eyebolts / Bolts, Rivets, , Hinge plates: 1.4401 (316)

All Variations

RX CODENUTClampOEMHoeveelheidAdd to Quote
RX CODE: QHE0250UNCBQX5Hex25mmC005.6.SAFX N60
RX CODE: QHE0505UNCBQX5Hex50,5mmC010.6.SAFX N60
RX CODE: QHE0640UNCBQX5Hex64mmC020.6.SAFX N60
RX CODE: QHE0775UNCBQX5Hex77,5mmC025.6.SAFX N60
RX CODE: QHE0910UNCBQX5Hex91mmC030.6.SAFX N60

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