SAINT-GOBAIN – PharmaFluor® FEP Tubing

RX Code: HGD

For applications requiring high purity or contact with aggressive chemicals


  • Chemically inert
  • Ultra-pure
  • Documented biocompatibility
  • Fully characterized.
  • Extremely low sorption characteristics
  • Fully sterilizable via autoclave or gas
  • Excellent barrier with very low permeability

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    PharmaFluor® FEP fluoropolymer tubing meets biopharmaceutical, medical, and laboratory demands.

    This tubing is formulated to resist the absorption/adsorption of aqueous fluids, which minimizes the risk of fluid alteration in single- or repeat-use applications.

    In addition to being chemically inert, this tubing can be used at temperatures ranging from -100°F to 400°F (-73°C to 204°C). It is also virtually unaffected by chemical sanitizers and cleaners and can be cleaned repeatedly without decreasing its service life.

    Fully Characterized and Biocompatible

    The complete biocompatible, physicochemical, and extractable testing can be found in the Validation Guide Summary on the Saint-Gobain Bioprocess Solutions website.

    Read more about Brand: SAINT-GOBAIN

    Autoclavable 30 min at 121°C
    Gas (Ethylene Oxide) Yes
    Appearance Translucent
    Durometer Hardness Shore D 55
    Maximum Service Temperature, °F (°C) 400 (204)
    Low-Temperature Embrittlement, °F (°C) -100 (-73)

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