RX Code: FCE

DN14 (Series 677)
Stainless steel
With unlimited combination possibilities, CEJN Series 677 non-drip modular couplings are adaptable to virtually all applications and system requirements. The Non-Drip design of the Series ensures practically zero spillage and eliminates pollution and air inclusion during connection and disconnection. The Series is available in three configurations: straight through, single shut-off, and double shut-off. Series 677 is also available with color coding and/or key coding for extra safety. Optional seal material upon request.


  • Connection female BSPP ¾”
  • Max 20 BAR
  • Nominal flow diameter 14 mm
Brand: CEJN

All Variations

RX CodePart DescriptionConnectionSizeCouplingOEMQuantityAdd to Quote
RX Code: FCEN-14G-4G---NippleBSPP-F3/4With Valve106776210
RX Code: FCEC-14G-4GF--CouplingTri-Clamp1With ValveSPECIAL
RX Code: FCE-111-5210NippleBSPP-F3/4Without Valve106775210
RX Code: FCE-111-0210CouplingBSPP-F3/4Without Valve106770210
RX Code: FCEC-14G-4G---CouplingBSPP-F3/4With Valve106771210

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