CPC – MPU connector

Open format connector with a 1″ nominal flow path

RX Code: FQO

The MPU has a 1″ nominal flow path and allows quick connection. The PMU connection is designed to handle a large flow of fluids and fits tubing with internal diameters of 3/4″ and 1″. Suitable for mixers and bioreactors, suitable for processes where you need to move fluids quickly and easily. Featuring an easy-to-use locking mechanism that guards against accidental disconnects and provide a reliable, secure connection.


  • 3/4″ and 1″ hose barb
  • Locking feature
  • Minimizes fluid turbulence and dead space
  • Shrouded, leak-free seal
  • Smooth internal flow path
  • Autoclavable and gamma readable


  • Pressure: 2.4 bar
  • Temperature: -40°C to 149°C
  • Main components: : Polysulfone
  • O-rings: Silicone platinum-cured
Brand: CPC

All Variations

RX CodeSizeGenderConnectionMaterialPackagingOEMQuantityAdd to Quote
RX Code: FQOBM-SB-O----3/4Body - FemaleHosebarbPolysulfone10 Pieces/BagMPU171239
RX Code: FQOBM-SI-O----3/4Insert - MaleHosebarbPolysulfone10 Pieces/BagMPU221239M
RX Code: FQOBV-SB-O----1Body - FemaleHosebarbPolysulfone10 Pieces/BagMPU171639
RX Code: FQOBV-SI-O----1Insert - MaleHosebarbPolysulfone10 Pieces/BagMPU221639M
RX Code: FQO----I-O----CAPBody - Female--Polysulfone10 Pieces/BagMPU32039
RX Code: FQO----B-O----PLUGInsert - Male--Polysulfone10 Pieces/BagMPU30039M

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