ROMYNOX – Sanitary Insert Check Valve Style – TC

The most compact check valve.

RX Code: TAA

The Sanitary Insert (TC) check valve is a compact fluoropolymer (PTFE/FEP/PFA) valve which has been used for decades as the most economical solution for providing a check valve in a new or existing sanitary piping system. Since the Sanitary Insert Valve replaces the gasket normally used with clamp joints, no extra space is required to accommodate the valve. The Sanitary Insert valve can also be used as a low-pressure relief valve or vacuum breaker by using the desired spring.


  • Compact design
  • Fits between tri-clamp with use of gasket


  • Size ¾” to 4″
  • Max pressure 3.8 bar
  • Low opening pressure

All Variations

RX CodeMaterialSizeClampOEMQuantityAdd to Quote
RX Code: TAA20-C3-P-A--PTFE/PTFE264mm--
RX Code: TAA15-C3-P-A--PTFE/PTFE1.1/250,5mm--
RX Code: TAA10-C3-P-A--PTFE/PTFE150,5mm--
RX Code: TAA07-C3-P-A--PTFE/PTFE3/425mmTCFTFMT.125SS

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